Identity is a complex and multi-faceted concept that goes beyond the mere combination of letters that make up our names or what our loved ones call us.

Sometimes, the decision to change one’s name can be a powerful and transformative experience, symbolizing personal growth, cultural shifts, or a desire for a fresh start.

Whether it’s due to marriage, divorce, or now being known mostly as “mommy”, a name change can be a pivotal moment in one’s life.

In the last 7 years, I’ve had a difficult transition with name changes, and I get the feeling that I’m not the only one. So I wanted to share a little behind-the-scenes of my journey.

Embracing the Change:

A name change is often accompanied by a wave of emotions – excitement, anxiety, and perhaps a touch of nostalgia for the identity attached to the old name.

Embracing change is the first step toward reclaiming your identity. Understand that a new name doesn’t erase your past or invalidate your previous experiences; instead, it provides an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

When I was getting married, I knew I wanted to take my husband’s last name. That for me was no question.

The struggle was in my digital and business identity.

If you’re anything like me, you finished college (or earned more than one degree), started a blog, created social media accounts, and more with your given name.

After marriage, I struggled with how to continue forward without making it hard for future clients to find me – how was shifting my site to a new domain and social profiles going to affect my SEO!

In the end, it actually took me YEARS when this is something that could have been switched over within a month.


Because I floundered in the decision of it all.

When I decided to make the change, I didn’t make it easy on myself either.

I could have simply bought the new domain name and swapped it as the main domain on my site.

The problem is…I wanted to make too many changes at once. Did I want to try a new platform? Spoiler: I tried three! Then eventually landed right where I started.

A name really is simple to change, but the years we’ve carried with us with that name can be harder to change.

Somehow, reclaiming my online identity after my name change was a profound and personal journey.

It was about more than a new domain; it was a process of self-discovery, empowerment, and growth.

If you’re struggling right now with how to move your business forward after a name change, my advice is to just go for it. Whether you’re going to keep the same domain or switch up what seems to be your online life, just decide.

Embrace the change, navigate external reactions with resilience, and celebrate the milestones along the way.

By doing so, you’ll emerge with a renewed sense of self and skip years of being held back by committing to the decision.