Today, I’m going to share exactly how to increase your chatbot open rates. Keep reading!

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re a coach or a small business owner. You have a few clients, but you’re bringing in more expenses than profit. You think to yourself, “If I just get one more client, everything will be okay. I just need one more…” 

You come home after a long day of work (if your business is still your side hustle). 

You decide to check Facebook Messenger, tired but hopeful that a new client has found you…that you’ll finally start to make some REAL money…

That’s when you see it. 

Someone has reached out and is ready to buy!

At least…they were several weeks ago.

Your heart drops. You start typing, anxious but still hopeful.

“Sorry, just seeing this…”

You wait nervously for a reply. 

That’s when you get hit with the WORST thing you can hear from a prospect…

“We found someone else.”


I’m an Automated Marketing Expert who teaches business leaders all over the world how to MASTER getting clients while doing as little work as possible. Up until I became pregnant with my third little, I was also teaching yoga on the side.

Now, I live with my family on a 119-acre homestead in New Hampshire and spend my days homeschooling my littles, working in the garden, and taking care of the animals (and bees).

Except, it wasn’t always that way…

I used to be always searching for that next client, struggling to turn a profit. That struggle made each missed opportunity especially painful, but as a busy mama, I simply didn’t have time to keep an eye on Messenger. 

Besides, I was killing it with email, adding new subscribers each and every month on AUTOPILOT. I was pretty sure I had it all figured out.

Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should be doing more with Messenger (especially after missing out on that one client in a time when I REALLY needed them)…

I decided I would start to take Messenger more seriously.

That’s when EVERYTHING changed.

The Power of Chatbot Open Rates

While the industry average for email Open Rates is 15-20% (with more skilled marketers reaching up to 25%), Facebook Messenger sees an average of 88-90% Open Rates.

Sound impressive? Let’s put that into perspective:

If you have 100 email subscribers and a 15% open rate, only 15 people are actually seeing what’s inside that email–and even fewer people are going to click on your offer. In fact, the average CTR for email is just 5%. 


On the other hand, Facebook Messenger has a CTR average of 30%.

Picture that for a moment. 

What would it be like if 30% of your list REGULARLY SHOWED UP to your webinar training or sales page? How much more interest and revenue would that accrue over time?

Plus, check this out – one of my webinar follow up messages gets a CTR of 75%!

For me, it was GAME CHANGING.

The Difference Between 100 Messenger Subscribers and 10,000 Email Subscribers

One tends to be MUCH more lucrative than the other. 

And it’s NOT the “guru” email list.

That’s because, with such HIGH Open Rates and CTR’s, you can achieve the SAME level of success with a handful of Messenger subscribers as you could with 10x the number of email subscribers.

I discovered this when I created a campaign around a Messenger follow-up sequence that was sent to 252 people.

The results were STUNNING.

While many marketing emails are lost to the notorious spam folder, I experience a MUCH higher rate of delivery in Messenger. In this particular campaign, 100% of my subscribers received the sequence, and a whopping 86.1% of them clicked into the message! 

That means 216 people opened the message. 

To replicate these SAME numbers with email marketing (following the standard 20% Open Rate and 5% CTR), I would need an email list of 25,000 people. 

I don’t know about you, but I would MUCH RATHER grow a list of 252 people than 25,000. 

I am all about MORE reward for LESS effort.


There’s one thing that really makes Facebook Messenger THE strategy to implement in 2021. 

Yes, even more than the high chatbot Open Rates or CTR’s.

Something that frees up time, infuses personality into your brand, and ensures that you NEVER miss a potential client (even when you’re too busy to check your Messenger inbox).

It’s called client-getting automation.

That’s right: with Facebook Messenger, you can AUTOMATE landing dream clients so that even while you are away from your computer, there is ZERO chance a potential customer will slip through the cracks!

Sounds like a dream-come-true? 

It totally is. 

And you can EASILY apply it to your own Messenger Marketing plan with my help.

With Chatbots Unlocked, you’ll learn how to spend LESS time finding clients and MORE time doing what you love while creating unique experiences for your customers. This special DIY program comes with templates and tutorials that give you everything you need to give your bot personality, authenticity, and the ability to SELL. 

The program is simple and designed to help you create a client-getting bot in less than an hour.
Curious? Go check it out!