
  • How to Schedule Your Instagram Stories and Stay Consistent

    We all know that InstaStories are the hot new thing with Instagram these days. It is the best way to engage with your ideal clients and start forming relationships in your DMs. Remembering to show up live, though, can be a real pain.  So how do we go about planning out that content and posting […]

  • Easily Make an Instagram Puzzle Feed without Photoshop

    Have you ever seen those amazingly beautiful Instagram puzzle feeds and felt like you just didn’t know how to do it or you’d have to use Photoshop to do it? Below, I walk you through the steps of creating this type of puzzle feed without needing Photoshop knowledge. start with a instagram puzzle feed template […]

  • Step-by-Step Planoly Tutorial: Best Instagram Planning App

    Did you start an Instagram account with the intent to gain a larger following, but once you were on there, it wasn’t quite what you thought it would be?  I have a few tips and tricks for you in this blog post to help you better handle Instagram using one of my favorite apps, Planoly. […]